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Author: Time:2021-09-2159 second

Information summary:  When is this speed?  = (Xianglong Agricultural Group Fish Friends Review) =  Just for Jinlong obsessed   Say   The slower the water, the better, the better, i...., Can I get some nice pics of bichir? by S, twgh kap yan.Rushing

  When is this speed?

  = (Xianglong Agricultural Group Fish Friends Review) =

  Just for Jinlong obsessed


   The slower the water, the better, the better, it is not for a few hours.
Fishy friend


   Artifact, the last sheet metal is bright
Fish friend Dragon X Tiger



  Then I accompany it at night, how is this squid? Just for Jinlong obsessed

  The slower the water, the better, the better, it is not for a few hours.
Fish friend Dragon X Tiger



  How about this squid? Dust

  Artifact, the last sheet metal is bright
Fishy friend


   Water flow is linear, the problem occurs immediately, usually the time is about half an hour, is not the time, the longer the time.
Fish friend Dragon X Tiger



  Ok Dust

  Water flow is linear, the problem occurs immediately, usually the water time is about half an hour, and the longer the time is, the better.
Fishy friend



  To be honest? / / Reply @ 龙腾 x tiger: How is this quality? Dust

  Artifact, the last sheet metal is bright
Fish friend Dragon X Tiger



  Affirm! Dust

  Artifact, the last sheet metal is bright
Fishy friend



  You can / / Reply @ 龙腾 x tiger: affirm! Dust

  Artifact, the last sheet metal is brightWhat food do goldfish like to eat#Is the Arowana incident true?.In which country does Arowana grow?&Is Arowana genetically modified?(From which country^What food do small fish like to eat$What do the fish in the river eat@Arowana is not a state-owned enterprise%What food do fish like to eat in winter~ Rethymnis Fish。Rushing!